- ABB Theorems: results and limitations in infinite dimensions
hal-04646828 (preprint 12p, 2024) ; arXiv 2407.10509 (preprint 12p, 2024)
(with Carlo Alberto De Bernardi and Enrico Miglierina)
- Solving Nonlinear Absolute Value Equations
hal-04473917 (preprint 20p, 2024)
(with M. Haddou, Tri Minh Le and O. Ley)
- Horofunction Extension and Metric Compactification
hal-04786684 (preprint 30p, 2024)
(with M. I. Garrido, J. Jaramillo and S. Tapia Garcia)
- Absolutely minimal semi-Lipschitz extensions
hal-04817564 (preprint 28p, 2024)
(with Tri Minh Le and F. Venegas M.)
- Differentiable functions with surjective Clarke Jacobians
(preprint 15p, 2025) (with S. Tapia Garcia)
Accepted for publication
- A slope generalization of Attouch theorem
Math. Programming (in press)
(with David Salas and S. Tapia Garcia)
- Model Predictive Control, Engineering Methods for Economists
Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance, Vol. 31
co-edited with Lars Grüne, Josef Haunschmied, Gernot Tragler
Springer ChamBook (ISBN: 978-3-031-85255-8) (17 May, 2025)
- All convex bodies are in the subdifferential of some
everywhere differentiable locally Lipschitz function
Proc. London Math. Society (3) 129 (2024), no. 5, Paper No. e70007, 27 pp.
(with Robert Deville and S. Tapia Garcia)
- Metric compatibility and determination in complete metric spaces
Mathematische Zeitschrift 308 (2024), no. 4, Paper No. 62, 31 pp.
[DOI 10.1007/s00209-024-03609-2]
(with Tri Minh Le and David Salas)
- Extending Rademacher Theorem to Set-Valued Maps
SIAM J. Optim. 34 (2024), 1784-1798
(with Marc Quincampoix)
- Oriented Calmness and Sweeping Process Dynamics
Math. Oper. Res. 43 (2024), 1472-1486
(with S. Tapia Garcia)
- Descent modulus and applications
J. Funct. Anal. 287 (2024), Paper Number 110626
(with Laurent Miclo and David Salas)
- Steepest geometric descent for regularized quasiconvex functions
Set-Valued Var. Anal. 32 (2024), Paper number 28
(with David Salas)
- The slope robustly determines convex functions
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 151 (2023), 4751-4756
(with Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy)
- Extending the Choquet Theory: Trace convexity
Houston Math. Journal 49 (2023), 247-282
(with M. Bachir)
- Determination of functions by metric slopes
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), 4325-4333
(with D. Salas)
- A convex function satisfying the Łojasiewicz inequality
but failing
the gradient conjecture both at zero and infinity
Bull. London Math. Soc. 54 (2022), 590-608
(with M. Haddou, O. Ley)
- Ubiquitous algorithms in convex optimization generate self-contracted sequences
J. Convex Anal. 29 (2022) 119--128
(with A. Böhm)
- Characterizations of Filippov representable maps and Clarke subdifferentials
Math. Programming 189 (2021), 99-115
(with M. Bivas and M. Quincampoix)
- Asymmetric free spaces and canonical asymmetrizations
Studia Mathematica 261 (2021), 55-102
(with J.M. Sepulcre and F. Venegas M.)
- Smooth semi-Lipschitz functions and almost isometries between Finsler manifolds
J. Funct. Anal. 279 (2020), 1-29
(with J. Jaramillo and F. Venegas M.)
- Pathological subgradient dynamics,
SIAM J. Optim. 30 (2020), 1327-1338
(with D. Drusvyatskiy)
- Linear structure of functions with maximal Clarke subdifferential
SIAM J. Optim. 29 (2019), 511-521
(with Gonzalo Flores)
- Metric and geometric relaxations of self-contracted curves
J. Optim. Theory Appl. 182 (2019), 81-109
(with R. Deville & E. Durand-Cartagena)
- Characterizations of Super-regularity and its Variants
Chapter 6 (pp. 137--152) In:
Splitting Algorithms, Modern Operator Theory and Applications, Springer, Cham 2019
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-25938-9 (Springer, 2019)
(with R. Luke and M. Tam)
- Gradient flows, second order gradient systems and convexity
SIAM J. Optim. 28 (2018), 2049-2066
(with Tahar Boulmezaoud, Philippe Cieutat)
- Explicit formulas for C1,1 Glaeser-Whitney extensions
of $1$-Taylor fields in Hilbert spaces
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 146 (2018), 4487-4495
(with Mounir Haddou, Erwan Le Gruyer, Olivier Ley)
- A partial answer to the Demyanov-Ryabova conjecture
Set-Valued Var. Anal. 26 (2018), 143-157.
(with Colin Petitjean)
- Self-contracted curves in Riemannian manifolds
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 457 (2018), 1333-1352
(with R. Deville, E. Durand-Cartagena & L. Rifford)
- Sweeping by a tame process
Annales Institut Fourier 67 (2017), 2201-2223
(with D. Drusvyatskiy)
- Sard theorems for Lipschitz functions
and applications in Optimization
Israel Math. J. 212 (2016), 757-790
(with L. Barbet & M. Dambrine & L. Rifford)
- Spectral (Isotropic) Manifolds and Their Dimension
J. Anal. Math. 128, (2016) 369-397
(with J. Malick & H. Sendov)
- Cut-generating functions and S-free sets
Math. Oper. Res. 40 (2015), 276-391
(with M. Conforti, G. Cornuejols, C. Lemarechal & J. Malick)
- Stability in linear optimization under perturbations
of the left-hand side coefficients,
Set-Valued Var. Anal. 23 (2015), no. 4, 737-758.
(with M.-A. Goberna, M. Lopez & R. Lucchetti)
- Rectifiability of self-contracted curves
in the Euclidean space and applications
J. Geom. Anal. 25 (2015), 1211-1239
(with G. David, E. Durand-Cartagena & A. Lemenant)
- Orbits of geometric descent
Canad. Math. Bull. 58 (2015), no. 1, 44-50
(with D. Drusvyatskiy & A. S. Lewis)
- On the structure of locally symmetric manifolds
J. Convex Anal. 22 (2015), 399-426
(with J. Malick & H. Sendov)
- Orthogonal Invariance and Identifiability
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 35 (2014), 580-598
(with D. Drusvyatskiy & A. S. Lewis)
- The Morse-Sard Theorem for Clarke critical values
Advances in Mathematics 242 (2013), 217-227
(with L. Barbet & M. Dambrine)
- Lower semicontinuity of the feasible set mapping
of linear systems relative to their domains,
Set-Valued Var. Anal. 21 (2013), 67-92
(with M.-A. Goberna, M. Lopez & R. Lucchetti
- Cut Generation Functions
IPCO XVI, M. Goemans and J. Correa (Eds)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7801, Springer Heidelberg (2013), 123-132
(with M. Conforti, G. Cornuejols, C. Lemarechal & J. Malick)
- Modern Optimization Modelling Techniques
Authors: J.-B. Lasserre, F. Facchinei, R. Cominetti
Co-edited with J.-E. Martinez-Legaz
Advanced Courses in Mathematics - CRM Barcelona
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2011 (ISBN 978-3034802901)
- Continuity and differentiability of set-valued maps
revisited in the light of tame geometry
J. London Math. Soc. 83 (2011), 637-658
(with C.H. Jeffrey Pang)
- Generic identifiability and second-order sufficiency in tame convex
Math. Oper. Res. 36 (2011), 55-70 (with J. Bolte & A. Lewis)
- Generalized Hessians of C1,1-functions and second-order viscosity subjets
SIAM J. Optim. 20 (2010), 340-352
(with L. Barbet & P. Soravia)
- Asymptotic behaviour of self-contracted planar curves
and gradient orbits of convex functions,
J. Math. Pures Appl. 94 (2010), 183-199
(with O. Ley & S. Sabourau) - Characterizations of Lojasiewicz inequalities:
subgradient flows, talweg, convexity
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), 3319-3363
(with J. Bolte, O. Ley & L. Mazet)
- Identifying structure of nonsmooth convex functions by the bundle technique
SIAM J. Optimization 20 (2009), 820-840
(with M. Solodov & C. Sagastizábal) - Tame functions are semismooth
Math. Programming (Series B) 117 (2009), 5-19
(with J. Bolte & A. Lewis) - Subdifferential characterization of approximate convexity: the lower semicontinuous case
Math. Programming (Series B) 116 (2009), 115-127
(with F. Jules & M. Lassonde) - Locally symmetric submanifolds lift to spectral manifolds
preprint 43 p, (UAB 23/2009)
(with J. Malick & H. Sendov)
- On the first integral conjecture of René Thom
Bull. Sci. Math 132 (2008), 625-631
(with J. Cresson & M. Shiota) - Prox-regularity of spectral functions and spectral sets
Journal of Convex Analysis 15 (2008), 547-560
(with A. Lewis, J. Malick, H. Sendov)
[ Article dédié à la mémoire de Thomas Lachand-Robert ]
- Clarke subgradients of stratifiable functions
SIAM J. Optimization 18 (2007), 556-572
(with J. Bolte, A. Lewis and M. Shiota) - Stability of periodic solutions for Lipschitz systems obtained
via the averaging method
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc 135 (2007), 3317-3327
(with A. Buica) - The Lojasiewicz inequality for nonsmooth subanalytic functions with applications to subgradient dynamical systems
SIAM J. Optimization 17 (2007), 1205-1223
(with J. Bolte & A. Lewis) - Remarks on the class of (semi)strictly quasiconvex functions
J. Optim. Theory Appl. 133 (2007), 37-48
(with Y. Garcia)
- The Morse-Sard theorem for non-differentiable subanalytic functions
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 321 (2006), 729-740
(with J. Bolte & A. Lewis) - On the Equivalence Between Complementarity Systems, Projected Dynamical Systems and Unilateral Differential Inclusions
Systems & Control Letters 55 (2006), 45-51
(with V. Acary, B. Brogliato & C. Lemarechal) - Geometrical interpretation of the proximal-type algorithms in structured optimization problems
Optimization 55 (2006), 481-503 (special issue for the 65th birthday of D. Pallaschke)
(with W. Hare & J. Malick)
- Subsmooth sets: functional characterizations and related concepts
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 (2005), 1275-1301
(with D. Aussel & L. Thibault) [Corrigendum (concerning the published version) ] - Subdifferential representation of convex functions: refinements and applications
J. Convex Analysis 12 (2005), 255-265
(with J. Benoist) - On a primal-proximal heuristic in discrete optimization
Math. Programming 104 (2005), 105-128
(with C. Lemarechal) - Clarke critical values of subanalytic Lipschitz continuous functions
Annales Polonici Mathematici 87 (2005), 13-25 (memorial issue for S. Lojasiewicz)
(with J. Bolte, A. Lewis and M. Shiota) - Filling the gap between lower-C1 and lower-C2 functions
J. Convex Analysis 12 (2005), 315-329
(with J. Malick) - Comment on the article ''Generalized
derivatives and nonsmooth optimization, a finite dimensional tour (Invited Survey)''
(by J. Dutta)
TOP (Revista de Investigación Operativa publicada por la SEIO, Discussion Session, Volume 13, Number 2 (2005), 279-283
- Approximate convexity and submonotonicity
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 291 (2004), 292-301
(with P. Georgiev) - Cyclic hypomonotonicity, cyclic submonotonicity and integration
J. Optim. Theory Appl. 122 (2004), 19-40
(with P. Georgiev)
- Integration of multivalued operators and cyclic submonotonicity
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003), 177-195
(with P. Georgiev & J.-P. Penot)
- Characterizations of evenly convex sets and evenly convex functions
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 273 (2002), 58-66
(with J.-E. Martinez-Legaz) - Lower subdifferentiability and Integration
Set-Valued Analysis 10 (2002), 89-108
(with M. Bachir, J.-P. Penot) - Integration of Fenchel Moreau subdifferentials of epi-pointed functions
SIAM J. Optimization 12 (2002), 575-582
(with J. Benoist) - Coincidence theorems for convex functions
J. Convex Analysis 9 (2002), 259-268
(with J. Benoist)
- Dual characterizations of relative continuity of convex functions
J. Austral. Math. Soc. (Series A) 70 (2001), 211-223
(with J. Benoist) - Appropriate subdifferentials in quasiconvex analysis
SIAM J. Optimization 12 (2001), 407-420
(with N. Hadjisavvas & J.-E. Martinez-Legaz) - Normal cones to sublevel sets: an axiomatic approach
Lecture Notes in Econom. & Math. Systems 502 (2001), 88-101, (Springer, Berlin)
(with D. Aussel)
- A dual characterization of the Radon-Nikodym property
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 62 (2000) 379-387
(with M. Bachir) - Arrow-Barankin-Blackwell theorems and related results in cone duality: a survey
Lecture Notes in Econom. & Math. Systems 481 (2000), 119-131, (Springer, Berlin) - On generalized cyclically monotone operators and proper quasimonotonicity
Optimization 47 (2000), 123-135
(with N. Hadjisavvas) - Normal characterization of the main classes of quasiconvex functions
Set-Valued Anal. 8 (2000), 219-236
(with D. Aussel) - Subdifferentials of convex functions and sigma-cyclic monotonicity
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 61 (2000), 269-276
1996 - 1999
- Characterization of nonsmooth semistrictly quasiconvex and strictly quasiconvex functions
J. Optim. Theory Appl. 102 (1999), 525-536
(with N. Hadjisavvas) - On the subdifferentials of quasiconvex and pseudoconvex functions and cyclic monotonicity
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 237 (1999), 30-42
(with N. Hadjisavvas) - Coercivity Conditions and Variational Inequalities
Math. Programming 86 (1999), 433-438
(with N. Hadjisavvas) - Connectedness of the efficient set for three objective quasiconcave maximization problems
J. Optim. Theory Appl. 93 (1997), 517-524
(with N. Hadjisavvas & S.Schaible) - Existence Theorems for Vector Variational Inequalities
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 54 (1996), 473-481
(with N. Hadjisavvas)